+31 (0) 612080716

Registration of your alpaca’s is possible with next organisations :

Alpaca Association Benelux : www.alpaca-benelux.com

This is the Dutch / Belgian Association where you can register your animals after you got a Membership.  DNA registration and screening are both possible. Screening is done by Vets, who got an education to do this job. The alpaca is only been screened on genetical faults. The fleece is not judged.

Lareu : www.lareu.org

This is the European Alpacaregister where you can register your animals online and for free.

Alpaca Association e.V. : www.aaev.de

This is a German Association where you as a Member can register your animals with DNA. Also screening is possible. Screening is done by 2 independant Judges from outside and the animals will be certified on genetical faults and fleece. The animal will get a passport with certain kind of points.

Alpaka Zucht Verband Deutschland : www.azvd.de

This is a German Association where you can register your animals with DNA. Also screening is done by independant educated people and a Vet. The animals will be certified on genetical faults and the wool is judged after sending a sample to YocomMcColl. The animal will be classified as an A, B or C animal and gets a certain kind of points.